As the talented Alicia Keys famously sang….

“I can make it anywhere! Yea, they love me everywhere!” I confidently thought, coming home from my first Friday night out in New York City in a few years.

First, was a large catch up dinner with friends at The Smith, followed by a very late night at The Gray Lady….happy on one, or two, or five glasses of wine, I can’t really recall….I caught a cab home at 4 in the morning… I was already intoxicated by the Big Apple.

Then, just as I thought, this city isn’t so tough, “We’re at your stop, Lady! Get out of my cab!” 

“This isn’t my stop!” I said proudly. I actually knew where I was!

“This is your stop. Greenwich Ave.”

“I said Greenwich St.”

“No…walk. Get out of my cab.” I proceeded to pay the cab driver for dropping me 6 blocks away from where I was staying. As I’m about to slam the door shut….“Where’s my tip?” 

NEW YORK…Possibly the only city that you can still love, after it repeatedly “kicks your ass” (as my friend, Alessandra describes)

My two weeks here is coming to an end and I ate, drank, walked, made it to fashion week, and witnessed a blizzard. New York truly kicked my ass…but I still love it and will be coming back for more.

There were a few highlights…one of which was seeing the Monika Chiang show for New York Fashion Week. Of course, a blizzard was coming our way and I still chose to go!

I was hardly fashionable. Timberland boots, a long coat and a faux fur russian hat my friend lent me (It saved my head from flash freezing). Needless to say, I was warm enough, and I did not fall on my face walking on the icy sidewalks! SUCCESS!

Here is a little drawing of me in the hat that saved my life!

Russian Hat

The show…was…full of people. Here are a couple of looks that I adored.

image (1)


image (2)

As we left the show, something skinny and tall walked passed me followed by about 100 photographers. It was Olivia Palermo, looking pretty glamorous, albeit struggling not to slip on the ice on her sky high heels. Ps.. She was wearing a GIANT russian hat…Maybe  I was a bit more fashionable than I thought? 🙂

As a matter of fact…I found this picture on the internet of her outfit yesterday…..We were so close to her that my aunt managed to accidentaly become a photobomber! There she is on the top right with…yes…another fur hat! I was to her right, likely saying something like, “oh it’s so slippery, that photographer bumped into me!”

I honestly believe that Ms. Palermo blocked me from getting into this picture, completely ruining my chance at super stardom. LOL

Picture 2

After the show, blizzard Nemo did not disappoint. The icy rain fell and fell and fell. After getting into the wrong subway (an attempt to save money) I gave up and my mission now was to find a cab and get to my cousins apartment in Tribeca before dinner.

Of course! All cabs were off duty!

“Okay Pia…brave the blizzard, stick your arm out to anything passing” ……15 mins…20 mins….YES! Got one! “I’m going to Tribeca, (insert address of cousin)”

Inside the cab, I proceed to brush off snow, check my phone and compose myself after 30 minutes trying to hail a cab. The cab driver then starts speaking to me saying why he can’t drop me off here, he’ll drop me off there instead blah, blah, etc. etc.

I was exasperated. “Yea yea sure.” I said, not really listening to a word he said.

…….He dropped me off 20 minutes away from where I wanted to go. I hate New York.

I decided to just walk to my brother’s apartment and brave the snow. After 15 minutes, I was warm at home, on the verge of a bad cold… I hesitantly cancelled dinner with my girlfriends, I was too much of a wuss to go back out there…NYC kicked my ass yet again.

After showering, changing into pajamas and a warming glass of red wine, my brother and I ordered in some Westville. Nothing is better than comfort food on a cold, cold day.

….I’m writing this blog post the day after, about to leave for brunch with my friends in the now sunny, white coated city….

I love New York again.

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One thought on “EMPIRE STATE OF MIND

  1. MasonBentley says:

    You can never go wrong with a fur hat! x

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